Blog - Rick Friedman Photography

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Friedman's Law of Exposure: Expose for the Element You Can't Control
Friedman's Law of Exposure: Expose for the Element You Can't Control
Lighting is one of the trickiest aspects of photography. Sometimes, your subject is well-lit, but the background is too dark. Other times, you expose for the background, and your subject looks like a shadowy silhouette. So how do you strike the perfect balance? That’s...
Easy High Key Lighting
Easy High Key Lighting
Creating high key light is making sure there is enough light on your background so it is pure white, with no shadows. This can be done using strobes or LEDs or a mixture of both types of light. There are several ways to do this. My favorite way to accomplish high key light is to use a...
Waiting for a Bus
Waiting for a Bus
Like most photographers, I’m always looking for the right location, the right angle, the perfect light and the right moment to make the photograph.Whether I’m traveling abroad or walking around Boston, near my studio, one of my favorite times to shoot is blue hour, after the sunsets...
Lighting Old Glory
Lighting Old Glory
I made this photograph back in November on the Saturday the presidential election results were announced.  It was a long day of walking around Boston covering marches, celebrations and protests.   It was getting late in the afternoon and I knew I already had a number of...
PhotoFocus Article: Photography in The Floating Studio
PhotoFocus Article: Photography in The Floating Studio
Back in January, I joined Vanelli as a co-instructor on the “Vanelli and Friends Model Workshop” on a Royal Caribbean cruise to the Bahamas. A group of photographers and several models set sail for several days at sea. The ship became our floating studio. Read more about how I...

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